March 21, 2016, the first day of spring! Finally, it is here and brings with it the awakening of nature from its winter slumber! There are signs of rebirth all over the place. Daffodils and tulips are already wearing their most beautiful garments. Their colors dazzle the eyes…the birds are happy and singing songs of joy and the return of warmth…there is so much happiness in the hearts and minds…
March 22, 2016, the festival of spring is interrupted by the appearance of a dark cloud! It is the cloud of dark hearts and minds. It spews death, hatred, violence, ignorance, and turmoil and threatens to destroy everything in its path. It is this darkness that killed and injured so many innocent people in Brussels, Belgium! The perpetrators claim that they are being martyred for the cause of their religion and that by killing innocent men, women, children, and elderly people, they have reserved their spot in paradise! This is the darkness of the hearts and minds…Little they know that they have reserved their spot in hell!
March 23, 2016, Daheshism celebrates its 74th anniversary. It is on this day in 1942 that a message of love, brotherhood of mankind, enlightenment, knowledge, freedom, and peace descended on Earth. Anyone drinking from its magical elixir will abandon the trivial pursuit of materialism, the insanity of subjugating the wills of others, and the appreciation for beauty, intellect, and freedom. There is no powerful force in this world greater than the force of love that Lord Christ spoke of. There is nothing more desirable than a beautiful heart, and there is nothing that shines brighter than a free mind.
Love, Peace, Freedom, Respect, and Intellect…Thank you Daheshism and happy 74th anniversary!
Mounir Murad
March 23, 2016