Dawn of a New Era

In a few days, the Christian world will celebrate Easter—a
holiday signifying the rise of Lord Christ from the dead, three days after his
capture, torture, and crucifixion. His ordeal is a story of faith, love,
sacrifice, redemption, and humility. It is also a story of a loving God that
has continuously sent his prophets, messengers, and guides to enlighten and
guide humanity. A day or so ago, spring commenced in the northern hemisphere,
ushering in the rebirth of nature and the return of beauty, warmth, and color.
Also, on March 23, Daheshists throughout the world will celebrate the birth of
Daheshism—a Spiritual Holy Mission that descended on earth on March 23, 1942, ushering in a dawn of a new era.


Daheshism is a glitter of light and hope to guide humanity
through a very difficult period, where many individuals had abandoned the
belief in a Creator in favor of an evolutionary process, yet not a single
individual is able to explain the creation of something from nothing in direct
violation of the laws of physics. If life is truly an existence stemming out of
a biological/evolutionary process, where life ends at death with no
consequences for committing good or evil deeds, then I am one of those that
believe that life is not worth living. Unfortunately, humanity is sinking
deeper and deeper into an increasingly mechanized world with little regards to
Spiritual Direction.


Daheshism quenches the thirst of those who seek Spiritual
knowledge and at the same time those who seek scientific knowledge. These forms
of knowledge are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they are both aspects of a
Grand Truth that only a very small number of individuals comprehend and
Daheshism provides this knowledge to anyone who is eager to comprehend this


Mounir Murad

March 22, 2013