Ghazi Fouad Brax, a great Daheshist and one of the pillars of Daheshism, passed away this day after exactly 2 years and 1 month from the passing of his beloved wife, Najwa Salam Brax. May both live an eternal life of happiness and bliss and may God elevate their Spiritual rank.
I will shortly publish some of my experiences with this great Daheshist.
Mounir Murad
December 28, 2014
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Book Relase: A new book titled Essays Inspired By Daheshist Teachings by the late brother in Daheshism, Mr. Salim Onbargi, has been added to the main Daheshism.com Website.
The book Essays Inspired By Daheshist Teachings can also be viewed here in PDF Format.
A booklet on Daheshist Ideology: The Dimensions of Justice According
tothe Founder of Daheshism (Part 3) has been added to the main Daheshism.com Website.
The booklet The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 3) can also be viewed here in PDF Format.
The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 3).
A booklet on Daheshist Ideology: The Dimensions of Justice According to
the Founder of Daheshism (Part 2) has been added to the main Daheshism.com Website.
The booklet The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 2)
can also be viewed here in PDF Format.
The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 2).
An essay on the “Rightful Successor of Dr. Dahesh” has been posted on our main website http:/www.daheshism.com
The following is a quick introduction:
the departure of our Beloved Prophet from this world on April 9, 1984,
many Daheshists and non-Daheshists alike, wondered about who is his
rightful successor. Some Daheshists held the position that since Dr.
Dahesh entrusted the copyrights to his books and his art and book
collections to a prominent Daheshist family then the head of that
family must be his rightful successor and subsequently her offspring.
Unfortunately, such a deduction cannot be further away from the truth!
Individuals with such reasoning cannot be blamed though, because they
have no knowledge of the actual wishes and commands of our Beloved
Prophet and those of the Divine Spirit.
Read this entire posting here as a PDF by clicking on the following link: http://www.daheshism.com/Who is the Rightful Successor.pdf
A booklet on Daheshist Ideology: The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 1) has been added to the main Daheshism.com Website.
The booklet The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 1)
can also be viewed here in PDF Format.
The Dimensions of Justice According to the Founder of Daheshism (Part 1).
A booklet on Daheshist Ideology: The Dimensions of Freedom According to the Founder of Daheshism has been added to the main Daheshism.com Website.
The booklet The Dimensions of Freedom According to the Founder of Daheshism
can also be viewed here in PDF Format.
The Dimensions of Freedom According to the Founder of Daheshism.
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